A close-up shot capturing a group of "How to Train Your Dragon" stuffed animals sitting on a child's bed, their vibrant colors and playful expressions evoking a sense of adventure and imagination.

For How to Train Your Dragon fans, what could be more exciting than having your very own Toothless or Light Fury to snuggle with? With a little time and imagination, you can teach your stuffed dragon all kinds of cool tricks.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer to your question: You can train your dragon stuffed animal by teaching it basic commands like sit and roll over using treats as rewards. More advanced tricks involve combining commands in short routines set to music or clapping patterns.

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know to train your dragon stuffed animal, from choosing the right training treats to mastering complex routines.

Choosing a Stuffed Dragon for Training

Consider size and texture

When selecting a stuffed dragon companion for training, you’ll want to consider its size and texture. Larger dragons around 20 inches long are great for hugging and cuddling. Their big size also makes them easier for young children to play with.

Smaller dragons, around 10 inches, are more portable for on-the-go adventures!

As far as texture, soft plush materials like faux fur or velour are ideal. These smooth, strokable fabrics will become wonderfully worn-in and loved over time. Dragons covered in embroidered or appliqué scales can add delightful texture if your trainee will be petting or tracing their friend’s scales during soothing relaxation exercises.

Pick a recognizable character

Selecting a stuffed dragon that your trainee already knows and loves from books, movies or television will form an instant bond. Some popular dragon characters like Toothless from “How to Train Your Dragon” or Mushu from “Mulan” make charming stuffed animals.

The familiar appearance taps into beautiful nostalgia.

Even if you don’t recognize the character, focus on selecting a stuffed dragon that seems to “speak” to your trainee in some meaningful way. Maybe they instantly light up when seeing a particular color or expression. Follow those reactions to find the perfect dragon!

Ensure high-quality materials

Be sure to evaluate the quality and durability of any potential dragon companion. Check all seams and embroidered details for tight, neat stitching. Areas like wing edges often receive extra reinforcement in better quality stuffed animals.

Inspect safety eyes, noses and other attachments to confirm they are securely fastened. top-notch materials designed to withstand vigorous affection are vital!

Well-made stuffed dragons may cost a bit more. But their superior construction truly enhances the training and bonding experience. Splurging on a higher-end character will lead to years of delightful memories with your beloved new friend.

Training Basic Commands

Use verbal cues and hand signals

When training your dragon stuffed animal, use clear verbal cues like “sit”, “stay”, and “spin” along with hand signals to reinforce the behaviors you want. For example, hold your hand out flat and say “stay” when you want your dragon to hold its position.

Gently guide its body into the desired pose if needed. Be patient and positively reinforce it with praise and pets when it demonstrates the right behavior!

Mark and reward desired behaviors

Have some tasty treats or a favorite toy on hand to reward your dragon stuffed animal when it correctly follows a cue. This positive reinforcement helps cement the connection between command and behavior. You can say “Good sit!” and give a treat right when its bottom touches the ground.

Make sure to deliver rewards within 1-2 seconds so it associates the reward with the specific action.

Over time, you can use a variable reward schedule – rewarding your dragon every few times it “sits” instead of every single time. This prevents your dragon from only complying when it knows a treat is coming! Randomized rewards keep behaviors strong in the long run. 😉

Practice in short, frequent sessions

Stuffed animals have limited attention spans when learning new things! 😄 Aim for 5-10 minutes of focused training at a time. Multiple short sessions spaced throughout the day cement learning better than one long session. Try practicing 3-4 times per day with at least an hour break between sessions.

Vary locations too – train in the living room, kitchen, backyard, etc. so your dragon generalizes commands everywhere.

With verbal cues, hand signals, timely rewards, and brief, frequent sessions, you’ll have your dragon stuffed animal following commands like a pro in no time! Training together builds a special bond too. Let me know if you have any other dragon training questions! 🐉👍

Learning Intermediate Tricks

Build on basics like sit and roll over

Once your stuffed dragon has mastered basic commands like sit, stand, spin, and roll over, you can build on those skills to teach more intermediate tricks. For example, teach your dragon to sit up and beg by having it sit first, then gently lifting its front paws up into the begging position.

Reward with praise and a treat when it holds the pose.

You can also teach your stuffed animal to play dead. Have it lie on its back, then carefully position its legs and head as if it fainted. Use a treat to lure its head back and tongue hanging out. It may take a few tries, but eventually your dragon will learn to flop over and play dead on command!

Use treats to ‘lure’ position changes

Food motivation works wonders when training stuffed animals! Tiny treats like mini chocolate chips or small pieces of cotton ball “marshmallows” are perfect for luring your dragon into different poses.

For example, hold a treat over its nose, then slowly move it upwards so your dragon tilts its head back following the treat. Once it holds the head position, say “Look up!” and reward with the treat. Repeat until it reliably looks up on cue.

Then try using the treat to lure paw lifts, spins, and other head or foot positions you want it to learn.

Chain two or more commands together

After your stuffed pet has a few beginner and intermediate tricks down, put them together into a sequence of chained commands. For example, say “Sit, beg, spin, play dead!” and give a reward only when it completes the full sequence correctly.

Start with just two commands like “Sit, spin” then add more once it consistently follows both prompts.

Chaining tricks together into little routines challenges your dragon’s memory and focuses its training. Aim to increase the sequence to five or more chained commands for an impressive stuffed pet trick!

Mastering Advanced Routines

Coordinate tricks with music or claps

Advanced stuffed dragon training can incorporate music and clapping to help time and coordinate tricks. For example, clap a steady beat while having your dragon spin or jump between claps. Upbeat songs with a clear tempo also work well.

The musical cues help the stuffed animal know when to execute the trick.

Reinforce transitions between tricks

Once your stuffed dragon has mastered individual tricks, focus on smooth and quick transitions between multiple tricks. For example, quickly sequence wing flaps, tail wags, and roars. Give verbal praise or treats during speedy transitions to positively reinforce them.

This combines tricks for an advanced routine.

Allow stuffed dragon to improvise

An advanced stuffed animal trainee can also improvise its own trick combinations. After building a strong repertoire through your coaching, give your dragon independence in creating unique routines. It may surprise you with new transitions and flourishes you hadn’t considered!

Be sure to give enthusiastic praise for creativity.


While it does take some patience and persistence, with regular short training sessions, you can teach your dragon stuffed animal all kinds of cool tricks and routines. Start with basic commands like sit, lie down and roll over.

Then build up to chaining tricks together and having your dragon move in sync with music or clapping rhythms.

Soon you’ll have an impressive dragon performer ready for the big time! Just remember to use positive reinforcement and lots of treats to reward your stuffed dragon during the training process.

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