A close-up shot of skilled hands expertly crafting a delicate crochet net, capturing the intricate details and precision required to create a snug and cozy home for stuffed animals.

Do you want to safely store your kids’ plush toys but regular bags just don’t cut it? Crocheting a custom net is a creative way to neatly organize stuffed animals while keeping them clean and secure.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer to your question: To crochet a net for stuffed animals, you’ll need crochet thread or yarn, a crochet hook, and a basic understanding of crochet stitches like chain stitch and single crochet.

Make a chain the length you want, then single crochet rows back along the chain, leaving holes between stitches for airflow and visibility.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to crochet a sturdy storage net for stuffed animals, from the best materials and tools to use to easy step-by-step instructions for beginners.

Choosing the Right Materials

Yarn or Thread Type

When selecting yarn or thread for crocheting a stuffed animal net, it’s important to choose a type that is soft, stretchy, and durable (great qualities for huggable stuffed animals!). Acrylic yarns are a top choice as they meet all those criteria and come in a rainbow of fun colors.

Cotton threads can also work well as they have some give to them, just be sure to choose a weight that isn’t too fine so the stitches don’t stretch too much. As awesome as wool yarns may be, they tend to scratch more easily so save those for non-toy projects.

Hook Size

The hook size used when crocheting will impact the gauge and density of the netting β€œfabric” created. For a stuffed animal net, a hook ranging from size H (5 mm) to size K (6.5 mm) is ideal. This will create fairly open, loose stitches with decent drape that can stretch around the plushy shape well.

Don’t fret about achieving an exact gauge; the nature of crocheted nets means precision isn’t as vital. Just be sure your hook and yarn combo isn’t creating such tight stitches that there isn’t any stretch or give!

Additional Tools

Beyond a crochet hook and yarn, just a few extra tools can make the project go more smoothly:

  • A pair of scissors for snipping yarn ends
  • Stitch markers like small safety pins to mark rounds
  • A measuring tape for checking size as the net grows
  • A yarn needle for weaving ends into finished pieces

And while not a tool, a stuffed animal buddy to model the net as it is worked can be super helpful to ensure proper sizing! 😊

Website Details
Craft Yarn Council Yarn weight system reference
Annie’s Crochet Guide Crochet resource for beginners

Understanding the Basic Crochet Stitches

Before you can begin your fun crochet project of making an adorable net for stuffed animals, it’s essential to understand some fundamental crochet stitches. Mastering these basic techniques is crucial to crochet success!

Chain Stitch (ch)

The chain stitch is the foundation of most crochet projects, including our cuddly stuffed animal net. This stitch looks like a series of chain links connected together and it’s normally used at the beginning of patterns to form the base chain.

To make a chain stitch, start by making a slip knot on your hook and yarn over. Then pull the yarn through the loop on the hook. πŸ‘ That’s one chain made! Repeat the yarning over and pulling through motion until you’ve chained the desired number of stitches the pattern calls for. Easy peasy!

Single Crochet (sc)

Once you’ve completed your foundation chain, the next basic crochet stitch used in many stuffed animal net patterns is the single crochet stitch. The single crochet creates dense, tightly packed rows of yarn that are great for nets and bags.

To make a single crochet stitch, insert your hook into the next chain or stitch, yarn over and pull up a loop (2 loops now on hook), then yarn over again and pull through both loops on the hook. Repeat!

Double Crochet (dc)

The double crochet stitch is taller than the single crochet and gives fabric more height and visual interest. We can use this stitch strategically in a stuffed animal net to create more intricate net shapes if desired.

Making a double crochet is similar to a single crochet, except instead of yarning over once to complete it, you yarn over twice. So insert your hook into the next stitch, yarn over and pull up a loop, yarn over and pull through two loops, then yarn over again and pull through the remaining two loops.


Once you’ve gotten these 3 essential stitches down, you’ll be ready to crochet adorable little nets to cradle and display beloved stuffed pals! Check out this helpful beginner’s guide for more tips.

How to Crochet a Net

Make the Base Chain

The first step in crocheting a net is to make the base chain that will serve as the foundation. To begin, take your crochet hook and yarn and make a slip knot. Leave a 6-8 inch tail to weave in later. Then, make a chain that is approximately twice as long as you’d like the finished stuffed animal net to be.

For example, for a 12″ x 12″ net, make a base chain of around 24 chains.

As you make the chains, make sure your tension is even, not too tight or too loose. Keep your stitches uniform along the base chain so the net is neatly constructed.

Work Back Along the Chain

Once your base chain is complete, work back along the chain while making netted stitches. To make a netted stitch, yarn over, insert your hook into the next chain, yarn over and pull up a loop, yarn over and pull through two loops on your hook.

You should have made two horizontal bars across the chain.

Continue making netted stitches across the chain. Try to keep your stitches even and uniform in size as you go. When you get near the end of the chain, you’ll create the last stitch by inserting your hook into the original slip knot rather than a chain.

Add Rows for Size

The length of your original base chain determines the width of the net. To make the net longer, you’ll need to add more rows. At the end of your foundation row of netted stitches, simply chain 2-3 chains and turn your work.

Then work back across the row making a netted stitch into each of the horizontal bars you created in the previous row.

Add rows until the height of your net matches how large you want it. For a stuffed rabbit around 12″ tall, 6-8 rows is usually good. Try holding the net up to a similar sized stuffed animal as you go to check the fit!

Finish Off Neatly

When your net is the desired width and length, finish off by cutting the yarn and pulling the end all the way through your loop to fasten off.

Weave in the loose ends to keep everything neat and tidy. Use a yarn or tapestry needle to work the beginning and ending tails into your netted stitches. Aim to hide them within a few stitches so they don’t show.

Blocking your finished net, while optional, can give it a nice smooth look. Wet the net, gently stretch it to desired dimensions, and allow it to air dry.

And that’s it – you now have a custom crocheted net for your favorite stuffed animal! Whether for storage, display, or play, crocheted nets are a quick, enjoyable project. Check out these helpful tutorial videos for visual guidance: Crochet Net Tutorial, How to Crochet a Net Bag

Decorating and Customizing Your Net

Add Color

Adding splashes of color is a fun and easy way to decorate your crocheted net!Choose bright, vibrant yarns that complement the stuffed animals you’ll display. For a rainbow effect, consider working stripes of different hues directly into the netting.

Or, stitch colorful shapes onto the finished piece – hearts, stars, and circles make adorable accents.

If you want to get really creative, embroider details onto the netting with yarn after it’s complete. Backstitch names, initials, or words like “Toys” or “Play.” Even stick figures of children at play would be cute! Embellishing your net this way adds a personal touch the stuffed animals will love.

Make Borders

Framing your net with a decorative border is an easy way to spice it up. And it serves a practical purpose too – borders reinforce edges to prevent stretching or unraveling over time. For a sweet look, work a round of single crochet using a contrasting color of yarn.

Or get fancy with a more intricate stitch like shells or picots!

If you used open, lacy stitches for the main part of the net, consider working the border in a solid stitch like double crochet. This firmly defines the edges while allowing the lacier stitches to shine inside it.

And don’t forget…any border technique can be embellished with additional colors or texture stitches too!

Attach Decorations

No net is complete without fun dangling bits to delight stuffed friends and the tiny hands that play with them! Fortunately, it’s simple to attach doodads directly to crocheted fabrics. Some ideas include:

  • Tassels
  • Pompoms
  • Felt shapes
  • Fabric yo-yo’s
  • Ribbons
  • Bells
  • Pom pom garland

Sew or tie decorations onto open mesh spaces as needed. Or, attach them to border rounds worked specifically for this purpose. Get creative with colors, textures, shapes…the options are endless! No matter what you choose, these special touches add whimsy and delight. 😊

Caring for Your Crocheted Net

Congratulations on finishing your adorable crocheted net for stuffed animals! This handmade accessory will give your plushies a cute hammock to relax in. Like any crocheted item though, your new creation will need some basic care and maintenance.


Over time your net may get dusty or dirty from normal use. When a gentle cleaning is needed, it’s best to hand wash the net. Fill up a basin or sink with lukewarm water and add a small amount of mild laundry detergent. Allow the net to soak for 5-10 minutes.

Then gently swish it around and squeeze (don’t wring!) out excess water. Lay flat on a towel to air dry completely before using again.

It’s best to avoid machine washing which can be too harsh on the crocheted threads. The agitation and spinning may cause excess pilling or even breakage of the yarn fibers over time. Handwashing allows you to gently clean while retaining the structural integrity.


If your beloved net gets snagged or develops a small hole, have no fear! Mending crochet is quite simple. First, examine the damaged area to identify which stitches have come undone. Working from the underside, use a crochet hook and new yarn to recreate those chain or single crochet stitches.

Weave finishing ends into previous rows to secure.

For larger holes, you may need to unravel rows back to the damaged area and then re-crochet β€œupwards” to replace the missing section. Take care to match stitches and tension to the existing net. With a little time and care, repairs should be seamless!


For safe keeping, avoid folding or tightly rolling your crocheted net for stuffed animals. This can stretch the fibers over time. Instead, gently gather and place inside a breathable cotton pillowcase. Or use acid-free tissue paper to lightly wrap if putting away into a plastic bin or box.

You spent many hours lovingly crocheting that special net for your beloved plushies. 😊 With some basic care and maintenance, you’ll be able to enjoy it for many years! Just be sure to handle gently, wash by hand when needed, mend any holes, and store properly when not in use.


Crocheting a custom net is an easy craft that allows you to neatly organize stuffed animals while adding a decorative, handmade touch to any room. With just a few supplies and basic techniques, you can create a practical storage solution that showcases your favorite plush toys.

Follow the steps outlined here for guidance making your first net. Don’t be intimidated to try out stitches or get creative customizing the size, shape or embellishments. Soon you’ll have a handcrafted net to proudly display your stuffed animal collection!

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